2 Large Acorn Squash 3/4 C Long Grain Rice
1-1/2 C Water
2 TBSP Soy Sauce
1 Medium Onion, Chopped
1/4 C Rosemary Olive Oil
1 C Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 1/2 C Heavy Cream
1/4 C Cinnamon Pear Balsamic
3 Tsp Minced Ginger
1 Tsp Curry Powder
Optional: Nuts & Currants, Apples or Chicken

Cut squash in half; remove seeds. Place cut side down on greased pan. Cover and bake at 350 for 40 – 45 minutes.
Bring rice, water & soy to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until all liquid is absorbed.
Saute onion in olive oil until soft.
If you want to add nuts, currants,apples or cooked chicken add now.
Remove from heat and stir in cooked rice, cheese, cream, balsamic, ginger and curry.
Turn squash over and stuff with rice mix. Bake at 350 for 25 min.